


The family structure of the owner is made up of the master who is a major real estate agent and the wife working at a major financial company and the mother and the daughter. This project initiated with their wish to live together pleasantly in a compact house.

To secure maximum space and a deep perspective vision, a thin rigid frame structure was adopted in RC 4 stories high residence.

Translucent almost-skeleton structure is perforated centrally making one sequential space with movable partitions to secure mutual privacy.

Although being compact, CROS of which provides 4 adults the lifestyle similar to that of multiple housings creates favorable distance and density in itself.


  • Location Mizue Edogawa ward Tokyo
    Completion 2007. 11
    Lot area 66.00㎡
    Site area 39.58㎡
    1F floor area 26.60㎡
    2F floor area 39.58㎡
    3F floor area 31.06㎡
    Total floor area 124.96㎡
    Structure RC
    Scale 4F
    Typology Private Housing
    Family structure Mother + a couple (30s) + 2 children
    Structure engineers Masaki Structural Laboratory
    Kenta Masaki
    Facility engineers Shimada architects
    Zenei Shimada
    Construction sobi
    Photographer Masao Nishikawa
  • 所在地 東京都江戸川区瑞江
    竣工 2007年11月
    敷地面積 66.00㎡(19.96坪)
    建築面積 39.58㎡(11.97坪)
    1F床面積 26.60㎡(8.04坪)
    2F床面積 39.58㎡(11.97坪)
    3F床面積 31.06㎡(9.39坪)
    延床面積 124.96㎡(37.80坪)
    構造 鉄筋コンクリート薄肉ラーメン構造
    規模 地上4階建
    用途 専用住宅
    家族構成 祖母 夫婦(30代) 子供2人
    構造設計 正木構造研究所
    設備設計 シマダ設計
    施工 sobi
    建築写真 西川公朗